Touching the Earth

When I was a child, my parents were fond of Sunday afternoon drives.  Sometimes, I could convince them to take me along. One of these outings was in the Springtime.  I remember seeing field after field as I looked out the window of the backseat.  Most were brown. ...

Kuan Yin for the Music of the Spheres

Last October, beginning in Flagstaff, Arizona, and culminating at the Peace Dome on the campus of the College of Metaphysics, I interpreted the centuries-old 100 Verses of Kuan Yin in the Universal Language of MInd™.  This was the seventh day of the Mayan...

The Best Kind of Trouble

We gathered 20 yards west of the Peace Dome to plant the octahedron, an 8-sided form, two 4-sided pyramids sharing the same base, made from copper tubing.  The tubing provides the outline of space, enabling energy to collect.  Once put into place, the form...

The Holographic Kuan Yin

For fifteen years, groups of people have gathered at appointed times to devote their minds, hearts, and bodies to a spiritual focus during Spiritual Focus Weekends at the College of Metaphysics in the U.S.  Some are acting on behalf of Spirit for the first time...