Last October, beginning in Flagstaff, Arizona, and culminating at the Peace Dome on the campus of the College of Metaphysics, I interpreted the centuries-old 100 Verses of Kuan Yin in the Universal Language of MInd™. This was the seventh day of the Mayan Universal Underworld, the culmination of a 16+ billion year evolutionary journey for the human species here on Earth.
The timing of penning these verses was mindfully intentional.
The cosmos provided the perfect moment to bring this evolutionary leap in exalting the Feminine Principle of Creation into the world.
Over the past six months, I have been writing the story of how THE TARAKA YOGA of KUAN YIN came to be and something surprising has occurred.
I have awakened to the higher purpose of this writing. It is a divination book teaching how to receive one’s Inner Teacher and integrate higher consciousness into your daily thinking.
“The Taraka Yoga of Kuan Yin exists as a way to divine meaning in the Creation you call your life. The 100 verses reveal the factors of creation alive in your present thinking. The intuitive steps presented here for the divining of Truth and its relevance, place the powers of the shaman, the alchemist, the guru, and the master in your hands. All of these must be brought into the light of the loving Truth Kuan Yin has come to symbolize.”
I followed the protocol in the book to allow the Holy Spirit to choose a verse appropriate to the student body’s experience of the Music of the Spheres. Every verse held strong. There was no weakness. I asked the question several ways – “What verse offers the best guidance during the Music of the Spheres?” “….for the Venus Transit?” “What is Kuan Yin’s counsel for SOM during MofS?” – with the same results. This was puzzling to me.
So I added to the thought, “All of them” and the confirmation came. I understood this to mean that the entire body of work is the message for the Venus Transit and our Music of the Spheres. With that in mind, I share the first two entries with you and dedicate the coming days to completing this work so it is in your hands by the Venus Transit.
I send my circle of love,
Dr. Barbara O’Guinn Condron
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