There are 100 Kuan Yin Verses,
each with a unique focus and content.
In a moment, we will gently pull our hands away from each other
as you count from 1 up to 100.
At some point, the hands may come apart
and when they do,
that is the number you will want to remember.
It identifies the verse that will bless all your undertakings with Kuan Yin.
Twelve …… 36 ……. 97 …….. 58 …… there is no discernible pattern to the numbers that are chosen by the four dozen people receiving books this first day.
After the number is chosen, we read the verse.
Sometimes the person immediately speaks of how it describes their life or something they are going through.
One speaks of making life changing decisions. Her verse is #49 Real Time. It counsels on how clinging to the now can become frozen consciousness.
A lawyer speaks of wanting to better peoples’ lives
and receives #77 Master which counsels to “look within to elevate your expectation.”
A seven-year-old girl is given a holographic image for choosing
the “world you want to live in” with #97 Liquidity.
People are moved to tears. One woman’s kundalini rises,
while a man shivers with delight at what he reads.
Sometimes the verses are not immediately understood,
as with 14-year-old Leah, who wants to be a doctor.
We talk about her verse and I assist in interpreting its content.
After we are complete, and the person satisfied, I give a commission to the person.
“I am going to ask you to do something.”
Almost everyone agrees, even before hearing the request.
“In the future, as you gift this book or share it with others, I ask that you do with them, as I have done with you.”
Every person agrees. In this way, the Spirit of Kuan Yin will begin to move across the face of the earth.
Thank you for the gift.
Thank you for the giver.
Thank you for the receiver.